Sunday, 9 September 2012


The cheaters have become so numerous                      (Pattern taken from History of the   

Fake degrees, false Leaders, but stage is glorious.         Arabs.)

The exploiter of knowledge leads the innocent astray,

Sellers have selfishly imposed sanctions various.

The wealth is consideration for the pen now,
Poor is waiting for Allah Gracious.

The power crushes the needy with fey money,
But, defeated have fetched revolutions famous.

Why the helpless are left so behind?
 Question about,the children serious.

This cause has paralyzed the whole body,
Which has exchanged the font with wine fictitious.

Who slips,time snatches his space,
Leaving message,recourse,be judicious.

"Read in the name of Allah"for mankind,
The Subjects tarry for you O,pious and genius.

O' my Lord lead me to a place.
Where I see,like Shafi's Masters.


Saturday, 8 September 2012

Alfalah Consulting: Pakistan: SBP to develop rules for Islamic bankers...

Alfalah Consulting: Pakistan: SBP to develop rules for Islamic bankers...: DUBAI: State Bank of Pakistan has announced it will develop rules defining the roles and responsibilities of all those involved in the Shar...

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